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Interested in joining the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce? Please feel free to DOWNLOAD an application for membership and fax, mail or bring it in to the Chamber offices located at 145 Central Avenue in downtown Coos Bay. And be sure to check out a few of the great benefits of membership with us below.

Here are just a few benefits of membership

  • Referrals To Your Business – The Chamber is often the first place people call for information and Chamber members are referred first and foremost.
  • Lunch Forums – Chamber weekly Wednesday Business Connection luncheon networking forums focus on business, along with local, County and/or Statewide issues. A great way to network with fellow Chamber members.
  • Web Site – All members are linked from the Chamber Website.  Member businesses are listed alphabetically and categorically.  There is also the opportunity to purchase banner ads to make your business even more outstanding. Our website averages over 350,000 hits per month.
  • Educational Seminars – Directed to business owners and management. Co-sponsored with Southwestern’s Small Business Development Center.  In addition, great seminars are also sponsored with the South Coast Employers Council, discounted to chamber members.
  • Monthly Newsletter – The Chamber publishes a monthly newsletter with member information and announcements, business tips, community events, and more which is emailed to over 850 readers each month. Members can reach these same 850 readers by including an advertising
  • Ribbon Cutting & Grand Openings – All new members, existing members with new owners, or existing members featuring a new location or major remodeling can have the Ambassadors come to your place of business and hold a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony.
  • Membership Lists or Labels – Members can purchase a mailing list of Chamber members for a small fee.
  • Sponsorship & Advertising – There are numerous opportunities to advertise through the Chamber at a marginally lower cost or to be a sponsor for one of the Chamber’s events.
  • Monthly Business After Hours – Hosted by a member businesses once a month, these give you the opportunity to meet and network with fellow Chamber members.
  • Economic Outlook Forum – This popular December event, with an opportunity for your business to sponsor,  features national and local presenters focusing on the local, National and Statewide economic future.
  • Annual Awards Banquet – This is the Chamber’s celebration to honor outstanding members of our community and organizations that bring people here regularly.
  • Advocacy – Your voice is heard! The Chamber works closely with state and local government representatives to make changes that positively affect local businesses.
  • Community Profile/Business Directory – Updated and published annually, this beautiful publication is distributed throughout the community as well as Nationally as a tool to recruit businesses, professionals and new citizens to Oregon’s Bay Area. In addition to a free listings, members have the opportunity to purchase additional advertising to showcase their business.
  • Committees & Task Forces– The Chamber encourages members to become involved in one or more Chamber committees from Business Development & Support, Ambassadors, Natural Resources, Legislative Action Team, Tourism, Membership Development, Marketing & Communication, Leadership Coos, WBC Luncheons or Transportation. Members are welcome to attend a meeting to find out what is going on and see how they can participate. See the calendar inside each monthly newsletter for meeting dates and times or check the calendar on our website.
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