The Chamber Minute 12/29/23

The Chamber Minute 12/29/23

The Chamber Minute

This Chamber Minute is the easiest one to pick a subject for and, at the same time, the most difficult to write. After over 16 years as your Executive Director, I will step out of the leadership of your organization at the end of 2023. It has truly been my privilege to serve as your number one hired hand.

I have often asked you what you are passionate about. Then I have tasked you to work that issue or opportunity. While economic times always seem challenging, we have accomplished a lot the past several years.

The legislative Action Team (LAT) and our advocacy efforts have been increasingly effective. We have turned the annual awards banquet into a community celebration that folks don’t want to miss. The Wednesday Business Connection regularly is seen as a source of information and networking. We have engaged committees with working Directors and Chamber members. These include Transportation, Business Development & Support, Leadership Coos, the Ambassadors and much more.

Change, that is directed with vision, can chart a course to a great future. Let’s continue to focus on your BOLD ideas! BOLD is a community defining its vision, mission and values and collaborating with civic officials and leaders throughout the community to come together for the success of our Bay Area.

A key to our Chamber team’s success is leadership. Since 2007 I have had the good fortune to work with Presidents Jenny Bream, Ken Croes, Sherry Yarbrough, Lucinda DiNovo, Eric Farm, Matt LeDoux, Brooke Walton, Pam Plummer, Rick Skinner, Barry Winters, Jessica Engelke, Tom Burdett, Clark Walworth, Todd Goergen, Lonni Corona, Rick Osborn and Stacy Dewater. Each person had their strengths, issues and special focus. Those were molded together yearly into a successful working body which got things done for Oregon’s Bay Area.

We are blessed to live in this place at this time. We all have different talents which, when used, make this an even better place. I invite you to join your friends and neighbors at the Chamber working the many opportunities that will continue to make this your best place to live and grow a future.

Everyone has their approach to leadership. In closing, let me share the five principles I have used for many years.

  • Respect others—treat all as you would like to be treated.
  • Be decisive—listen to all sides, then make a timely decision.
  • Set goals and use them—focus your efforts by using goals to reach our mutual vision for tomorrow.
  • Hard work—be willing to put in the time at any level to get the job done.
  • Servant’s Attitude—In John 13, we have the greatest example of leadership when Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. His point: true leaders are first servants. You go and do likewise.

Be involved, make that difference and work as a team.

May God bless you always and I’ll see you around town!

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, remember Our Business is Helping Your Business!