The Chamber Minute 01/27/23

The Chamber Minute 01/27/23

Top 10 reasons to join the Chamber: Number 4, Gain a voice in government.

Country singer Aaron Tippin had a song a few years ago entitled, “You got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything”. Our Legislative Action Team (LAT) takes that to heart. It’s important for your Chamber to promote those things which give us a positive economic climate to grow your business and create a healthy community for your family.

The LAT has actively participated in every legislative session since 2011. The 2022 short session running 35 days at the legislature was intense. With its compressed “bill to law” processing time, it was filled with challenges for Oregon businesses and communities which the LAT was striving to balance for all of us. In the 2023 long session the public will once again get to access the capitol in person. The LAT will track and work the bills in support of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce (OSCC) Legislative Agenda. While we have not been successful in every fight in the past, the Chambers of Commerce in Oregon, are having an impact in Salem.  The LAT, over the past few years, has developed a strong relationship with our legislators through the OSCC Chamber Day at the capitol, twice monthly teleconferences with them which we sponsor with the college, and direct contact with them and their offices. During the session, our Team meets as many times as necessary, each month, to be timely and effective. We also update the information flow with an OSCC weekly legislative call. Beyond the legislature, your LAT is actively participating in many other local issues, to make a difference for you.

Too often we think if we had more time, assets or help, we could really get something done. I am reminded of an old hymn which says “To the many duties ever near you now be true. Brighten the corner where you are”. So Chamber member, if you want to have an impact on making this a great place to live and grow your business, give us a call and join the LAT.

Remember our business is helping your business”. And like us on Facebook.