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Water, electric, landline and cell telephone service and natural gas are available from local utility suppliers.

The Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board (541) 267-3128 serves residential and business users in the two cities and some outlying areas with reliable potable water. Rates are dependent upon metered usage, at a minimum residential rate for 300 cubic feet per month of $12.26.


Ziply Fiber 

Ziply Fiber is located at:  276 Laclair St.  Coos Bay
Contact:  Valerie Henson, 541-404-8813, valerie.henson@ziply.com, ziplyfiber.com

“We’re Ziply Fiber.  Nice to meet you.

The best internet possible starts with fiber optic speeds and reliable connections on a modern
network – built by a local company with the capital and drive to see it through. It also means
making things simple and easy for you, with super service and pricing that skips the gimmicks.

We’re dedicated to bringing fiber to more than one million Northwest homes and businesses,
many of which have been underserved for decades. We will accomplish this in your community and throughout
the entire region – efficiently and capably, responsibly and enthusiastically. after all,
we’re your neighbors too.

If this sounds like a refreshingly great experience, you’ve come to the right place. We’re Ziply, and
we’re here to connect you to the things that matter most to you.”

Charter Communications (866) 731-5420 offers a total of 62 broadcast, satellite, premium movie and pay-per-view channels, packaged in a variety of tiers. They also offer CD-quality music 24-hours per day and the Charter Pipeline®, a broadband Internet system.

Blue Earth Services & Technology, LLC, (541)269-2964 provides Internet services, ADSL services, web design services and local and long distance telephone service.


Pacific Power (888) 221-7070 provides electricity to residential, commercial and industrial users. Calls are received 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


Garbage disposal and recycling services are provided by Coos Bay Sanitary Service (541) 267-6675, Les Sanitary  541-267-2848 and North Bend Sanitation (541) 756-5211

Construction of a new, natural gas pipeline has begun, bringing this desirable and needed additional energy source to our area. Contact NW Natural (541) 267-5655 for further information.

Propane and heating oil are provided by Basset-Hyland Energy Company (800) 452-3206 or (541) 267-2107, Ferrellgas (800) 399-4522 or (541) 888-2636, Carson – Davis Oil Co. (800) 662-7925 or (541) 756-6216 and Ron’s Oil Company (541) 396-5571, Amerigas Propane (541) 756-5614.

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