The Chamber Minute 12/08/23

The Chamber Minute 12/08/23

The Chamber Minute.

I rolled into the Coos Bay area in August 1972 in my new Pinto. I had been hired as a technical forester for the Weyerhaeuser operations. At that time the company had over 1,500 employees in its two mills, two logging terminals and support staff. Jobs abounded in the area, from many sources. Both individuals and businesses shared the confidence that they could meet any community challenge or need.

The recession of the early 80’s was inflation based and almost totally killed off new housing starts, with a predictable effect on the area’s timber industry. Many jobs, good jobs, disappeared as did those in service suppliers to the industry. That produced a change in attitude by many seeing themselves victimized by forces out of their control.

For the last thirty-five years, we have worked diligently to become an “overnight” success. During that time, while the focus was on big opportunities, there have been a wealth of small and medium sized successes.

So, let’s look at those area successes. Leading the parade are the many young entrepreneurs with new businesses like Seven Devils Brewery, Painted Zebra Boutique and Time Bomb Exchange, to mention a few. Add to this world class health care, Native American enterprises and a college in tune with the times. Our greatest resource is our people. Their spirit is continuing to rebound from being a helpless victim to the confidence that we can chart our own future of economic success again. Together we do create opportunity!

Your Chamber has a spot where you, and only you, have the ability to make things happen. If it’s not to be you, then whom are you willing to let determine our community’s future?

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, remember our business is helping your business. And like us on Facebook.