The Chamber Minute 11/10/23

The Chamber Minute 11/10/23

The Chamber Minute

When I entered the work “initiative” into my computer, I got a definition. When I typed “finishative” into it, I’m told it isn’t a word. But it should be. The two words are defined as follows, initiative: the first step, the act of setting a process in motion, the ability or willingness to take the lead. Finishative: the last step, the act of completing, the willingness to take a project or mission to its logical conclusion in optimum time. Both of these are essential to character, to growth and success in an individual, and for successful community development. Too often, folks aimlessly wander through life and end up with a load of guilt and regrets because of the many things they wanted to do but never got around to start. Others wind up with the same guilt and regrets because they had dreams, with some initiative, started many projects but never finished most of what they began.

This community can grow if our leaders will genuinely take the lead, exercise wisdom and initiative in getting work underway; if citizens involve themselves willingly to accomplish it and if all will focus on finishiative. While there are many ways to promote your community, let me suggest you look at your Chamber. Are you interested in economic development, education, government affairs, developing leaders, promoting local business or improving transportation to Oregon’s Bay Area? Your Chamber has people, your friends and neighbors, working on these and more. So grab the issue important to you and come on down and join us. In the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, we know that “Together we Create Opportunity” and are all willing to make a difference for our families on the southern Oregon coast.

Remember our business is helping your business. And like us on Facebook.