The Chamber Minute 10/20/23

The Chamber Minute 10/20/23

The Chamber MInute

Wasn’t wonderful to turn the TV on Wednesday November 9th last year and not see a single political ad? The elections were over, our new leaders set to take office and the work of moving our communities down the pathway to success began again. As you have seen over the last year, for them to achieve what we need to happen here, however, required our skills, dedication and time.

You don’t have to hold a position to be a leader. You are all leaders, whether it is in the family, business or community. Leaders who were faced with change and opportunity this past couple years. and will see more challenges in the remainder of this year and into the next. The main opportunity is the mutual support of our friends and neighbors. In the Chamber we call that networking. So, as we face life’s realities together, how can you help? What is your unique talent? Your Chamber has a spot where you, and only you, have the ability to make things happen.

Each person, on your team, has their strengths, issues and special interests. Those are molded into a working body which gets things done by you, their leader. Everyone has their approach to leadership which they have developed through many experiences, both good and challenging. All of them are effective in their own way. Let me share the five principles I have used over the past several years:

  • Respect others—treat all as you would like to be treated.
  • Be decisive—listen to all sides, then make a timely decision.
  • Set goals and use them—focus your efforts by using goals to reach the vision you have for tomorrow.
  • Hard work—be willing to put in the time at any level to get the job done.
  • Servant’s attitude—In John 13, we have the greatest example of leadership when Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. His point: true leaders are first servants. You do likewise.

So be involved, use your unique talents to make a difference for us all and make memories that are stored in the hearts of others. That is success and a life well lived.  

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Remember Our Business is Helping Your Business. And Like us on Facebook.