The Chamber Minute 09/29/23

The Chamber Minute 09/29/23

The Chamber Minute

When I first ran for city council, many years ago, I was looking for a way to convey the commitment and energy I thought a councilor should have. While looking through a local antique store, I found a large and colorful early ‘40s book on the Little Red Hen. As you recall she found some wheat grains. She then asked for help in planting, tending, harvesting, processing and baking the product. But she found no one was interested in working to get the prize—warm fresh bread. So she did it herself and made a difference. That’s the attitude of success.

Your Bay Area Chamber has a whole flock of little red hens and roosters. We are truly benefiting by the “mountains of bread” they are producing. The Legislative Action Team, hardworking and successful in prior sessions, actively participated in the 2023 Legislative long session to promote business and community. The issues were tracked daily as the LAT worked with the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce lobby team to have an impact, used the VoterVoice system to convey our positions to those in Salem and built a strong working relationship with our legislators though video conferencing twice monthly and direct contact. In Leadership Coos, staring its 33rd year, participants are once again gaining a comprehensive awareness of our area, its businesses and services available, as they prepare for new opportunities as community leaders. The Marketing team maintains an active social media program and has developed content and formats for communication among members and local outreach.  Membership is renewing the connections with all our members on a regular basis through out the year. Not only do they provide members with the list of benefits and value they receive, but also encourage them to serve on one of the Chamber teams working to make our area the best place to live and work.

That’s just a snapshot of the many, many active committees and services your chamber has going on right now. If you haven’t found a place to plant your seeds to make a difference, why not check us out today?

The Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, remember Our Business is Helping Your Business. And like us on Facebook.