Committee Meeting Times
- WBC– (Sept-May) Every Wednesday from 11:30-1pm at the Mill Casino in the East Salmon Room
- Leadership Coos– (Sept-May- tuition required)-Meets the Second Tuesday of the Month all day at rotating locations
- Leadership Coos Steering Committee-Meets the Fourth Tuesday of the Month, noon at NB Lanes
- BACC Board Meeting- Meets the First Wednesday of the month, 8am at the Newmark Center
- BACC Executive Meeting- Meets the Last Tuesday of the Month, 3:30-5pm at the Coos Bay VIC
- Ambassador Meeting- Meets the First Thursday after the Board Meeting, Noon at rotating locations
- Transportation- Meets the Second Thursday of the Month, Noon at the Coos Bay VIC
- Business Development & Support- Meets the Fourth Thursday of the Month, 8 AM at CB VIC.
- Marketing & Membership- Meets the Last Friday of the Month, Noon at Coos Bay VIC.
- Legislative Action Team- Meets the Forth Tuesday of the Month, 8 am at Coos Bay VIC
- Events- Meets the Third Friday of the Month, Noon at CB VIC
- Education-Meets the Fourth Thursday of the Month, 1 PM at the Newmark Center.
Committee Descriptions and Contact Information
AMBASSADORS…The chamber’s red-coated welcoming committee greets visiting dignitaries, cuts ribbons at grand openings and assists with Business After Hours events. Meetings are held at noon on the first Thursday of the month at Rotating Locations.
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & SUPPORT…Advocate for business recruitment, retention, and expansion activities in the Bay Area and throughout Coos County. Supports and encourages economic growth, new jobs, new technology that will benefit and strengthen the south coast region, and the infrastructure development that makes it all possible. Meetings are held on the Last Wednesday of the month 8 am at Coos Bay VIC.
EDUCATION…Our mission is to provide support to our local schools, so they have the resources to help students achieve their dreams and become productive adults. The committee supports the schools by improving communication with the business community, monitoring school performance, recognizing excellence, exposing students to careers and job opportunities, enhancing facilities, and advocating for appropriate funding. Meetings are postponed as the committee looks to restructure. Currently looking for a new chair.
LEGISLATIVE ACTION TEAM…The mission is to serve as an advocate for Chamber members and the business community regarding local and state issues impacting the quality of life, growth, and profitability of member businesses and their employees. The purpose is to increase the Chamber’s influence in the development of public policy concerning issues of critical importance to the future of the Bay Area and its businesses. Gets in on the action of the Oregon legislative session with bi-weekly legislator calls and helps shape local government decisions that will maintain a healthy business climate. Conducts candidate forums during election years. Has quarterly presentations at WBC. Meetings are held on the Fourth Tuesday of the Month, 8 a.m. at Coos Bay VIC.
LEADERSHIP COOS… Participants gain a comprehensive awareness of our area as they prepare for new roles as community leaders and are introduced to businesses and services available throughout the area. Program commitment required: tuition and one day per month from September through May. Enrolment is limited. Contact the Leadership Coos Coordinator to be added to the waitlist. Meetings are held on the Second Tuesday of the Month, 8 AM to 5 PM.
LEADERSHIP COOS STEERING COMMITTEE… The Committee consists of Leadership Coos Alumni by invitation only. During the annual planning session (held in June) committee members select the days they would like to help coordinate and review the annual budget. Applications are sent to potential participants who are on the waiting list in July of each year with a deadline to sign up on August 1st. Meetings are held on the Fourth Tuesday of month, Noon at Seaboard Properties
MARKETING & EVENTS… This team reviews all means of communication, press releases, email notes, website, social media, radio, and others, to ensure that our message gets out successfully. They also work on branding the Chamber and oversee the monthly Newsletter. The committee assists with collecting donations from Chamber Members for giveaways at our events. Meetings are held on the first and third Friday of the month, Noon at CB VIC.
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT…Designed to help build lasting relationships and connections with our Chamber Members. Reviews Invite and Welcome packets that are given to potential and new Chamber Members. The committee is looking to develop a membership 101 breakfast to help members understand the benefits of their membership better. Meetings are postponed as the committee looks to restructure. Currently looking for a new chair.
NATURAL RESOURCES…Supports two of Oregon’s original key industries, working to educate the public and timber and fishing issues that affect our coastal community and our economy. Meets the Last Thursday of each month at 8 am Via Microsoft Teams Meeting.
TRANSPORTATION…Works continuously to ensure that highways, rail, and air services are maintained and upgraded to better serve the businesses and residents of the South Coast. Meets the second Thursday of the month at Noon in Coos Bay VIC.
WEDNESDAY BUSINESS CONNECTION (WBC) NETWORKING LUNCHEON …The mission of the Forum Committee is “To provide an opportunity for businesses to network with each other, market products and services, and expand their knowledge of the Bay Area business climate.” This committee is charged with continuing the weekly Business Luncheon Forums (with an attendance of 50-100 Community Members per week). The forums focus on the positive aspects of doing business in Oregon’s Bay Area. The WBC is always seeking new ways to educate the community and expand the value of networking opportunities. Lunch forums are held each Wednesday from 11:30-1:00 at the Mill Casino Hotel in the East Salmon Room.