Justin Miller

- Oregon Pacific Bank
- 915 S 1st Street
- Coos Bay, OR 97420
- Office: 541-269-7929
- Cell: 541-260-2576
- justin.miller@opbc.com
Dr Jamie Mayo
Vice President—Government Affairs & Economic Development

- Sulis Mind and Body
- 180 S. Empire Blvd
- Coos Bay Oregon 97420
- Office: 541-982-7030
- Cell: 830-370-3765
- jamie@sulismindandbody.com
Rodney Stalcup
Vice President of Tourism & Membership

- Cardinal Services Inc
- 110 Ackerman Ave
- Coos Bay OR 97420
- 541.888.9799 ext 2133
- Cell: 541.260.3550
- rodney@cardinal-services.com
Allison C. Richards

CB NB CH Visitor & Convention Bureau
- CB NB CH Visitor & Convention Bureau
- Office: 541.269.1181 ext. 2304
- Cell: 541.982.9345
- 50 Central Ave.
- Coos Bay, OR 97420
- allison@oregonsadventurecoast.com
Stacy Dewater
Past President

Star of Hope
- Star of Hope
- 657 Newmark Ave.
- Coos Bay OR 97420
- 541-252-9655
- sdewater@sohoregon.org
Mark James
Vice President—Communications & Community Outreach

- Cadwell Realty Group
- 711 S. 2nd Street
- Coos Bay, OR 97420
- Cell: 541-740-9854
- mark@cadwellrealtygroup.com
Lisa Farr
- Farr’s Hardware
- 880 S. 1st St.
- Coos Bay OR 97420
- Cell: 541-267-2137
- lisa@farrshardware.com
Tracy Pierce
Pres Elect
NW Natural
- NW Natural
- 1625 N. 7th Street
- Coos Bay, OR 97420
- 971-979-6338
- 541-294-6151
- Tracy.pierce@nwnatural.com